The bsdist distribution

  1. installs the extension bootstrap_core 
  2. copies a set of files - libraries (boostrap, jquery...) and HTML templates, CSS, JS and Typoscript files - to fileadmin/bsdist/
  3. and imports a basic page tree.

Example content

An example page tree with one shortcut page and 6 subpages may be imported. The import file contentfeatures-x.x.x.t3d is located in typo3conf/ext/bsdist/Resources/Private/Import/

Start developing...

Website templates

  • Edit the HTML templates and layouts in fileadmin/bsdist/theme/templates/backend_layouts
  • Edit the backend layout definitions (records) on sysfolder page "Backend Layouts"
  • Edit and extend the typoscript configuration for page.10.file in fileadmin/bsdist/theme/typoscript/setup.ts

CSS, JS and other resources

  • See directories in fileadmin/bsdist/theme/ (css, js, ...)
  • See page.10 (includeCSSincludeJSlibs...) in fileadmin/bsdist/theme/typoscript/setup.ts

More information

For a short overview of the features provided by this distribution see